The discovery of a city-sized impact crater beneath Greenland ice could be linked to a dramatic period of climatic reversal, which occurred toward the end of the last Ice Age.
On this edition of the podcast, we explore the ancient relationships between wolf and man, and how dogs have played a significant role in human cultures across the ages.
On this episode, the team chronicles their recent trip throughout Georgia and Alabama to visit ancient Mississippian mounds and other archaeological sites.
On this edition of the podcast, we discuss some of American history’s most infamous and curious cases of cannibalism throughout the last several hundred years.
On this edition of the podcast, we speak with archaeologist Aaron Deter-Wolf about ancient tattooing practices.
This week’s podcast discusses pseudo-archaeology, in a conversation with our guests Serra Head and Ken Feder of the Archaeology Fantasies Podcast.
Perhaps none of the proposed pre-Clovis sites in North America has aroused more controversy over the years than the Topper Site, an ancient chert quarry located in Allendale County, South Carolina.
The ancient stone circles known as “medicine wheels” remain mysterious, and continue to have a highly sacred role in the lives of many of the First Nations people.
On this episode, we discuss the life of the ancient Egyptian ruler Hatshepsut with Egyptologist Dr. Kara Cooney, author of “The Woman Who Would Be King.”
The Gault site, an archaeological dig site located northeast of Austin, Texas, has yielded new evidence of human habitation 16 to 20 thousand years ago.