The ancient stone circles known as “medicine wheels” remain mysterious, and continue to have a highly sacred role in the lives of many of the First Nations people.
Author: Jason Pentrail
At the height of the Mayan Empire, their farmers relied on innovation to provide food for the inhabitants of their cities and villages.
An anonymous delivery to an American University helped solve the mystery of the long-lost Fremont figurine.
The Hopi are an ancient people with a mysterious past. Said to have descended from the spiritual masters known as the Anasazi, they are a proud people who carry on with a reverence for the ways of centuries past.
Fate and destiny are concepts that were integral to Norse mythology and influenced a number of beliefs that governed the ancient Nordic way of life.
Throughout time, there has been one element of the living experience that remains largely unchanged, and one that is still very much at the core of what it means to be human: the unconquerable sex drive.
While the Great White of modern times is a formidable and often intimidating species, it was not always in the form we see today.
Both noble, and tragic, the Hanford nuclear site was the result of desperate times, and one of the darkest periods in modern American history.
Andromeda is a name that, from mythological princess to stellar namesake, has held meaning and significance since times of antiquity.